Sunday, August 9, 2009

15,000 Volt Ozone Machine Attacks Mutants Living in Garage!

We have mentioned the bad smell in the garage multiple times. We have scrubbed the garage floor and painted the walls. We have demolished the majority of the drywall at the back of the garage. But the bad smell lingers.

This all points to a likely biologically caused smell that is likely embedded in the porous garage floor. So my next plan of attack was to soak the garage floor with a combination of Hydrogen Peroxide, Baking Soda and Hand Soap. This "secret formula" basically is an oxygenated attack on whatever combination of bacteria or mold is embedded in the concrete.

However, before I have had a chance to try the secret formula, David Henry called and brought over his personally built Ozone Maker. If you google Ozone Maker you will come up with a lot of interesting pages describing how a 15,000 volt version is used in unoccupied areas to kill embedded bilogical contaminents. David's 3 fan monster machine really moves the Ozone around. He left it for a day, and we ran two 12 hour cycles in the garage. Right now you can't smell anything but Ozone in the garage and we are hopeful that we are finally done with the bad smell.

As soon as we can, we will paint the garage ceiling, and seal the garage floor. Once we are finished the garage will be like a showroom.

And for anyone into garages, the lights that Henry Electric installed for us will make you jealous. We really have beautiful bright lights in the garage. Better than any garage we've ever owned.
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